Gary B. Born International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements Drafting and Enforcing

Gary B. Born is a well-known figure in the legal industry, particularly in the field of international arbitration. He is the author of numerous books and articles on the subject and is considered an expert in drafting and enforcing forum selection agreements. In this article, we will discuss the importance of forum selection agreements and the role that Gary B. Born plays in this area of law.

What are Forum Selection Agreements?

A forum selection agreement is a contract clause that specifies the forum where disputes between parties will be resolved. For example, if two companies based in different countries enter into a contract, they may include a forum selection clause that designates which country`s courts will have jurisdiction over any legal disputes that arise from the contract.

Forum selection agreements are particularly important in international contracts because they help to avoid costly and time-consuming litigation in multiple jurisdictions. By specifying a single forum for any disputes that arise, parties can save time and money on legal fees and avoid the uncertainty of conflicting decisions from different courts.

Enforcing Forum Selection Agreements

Enforcing forum selection agreements can be challenging, particularly in cases where one party seeks to avoid litigation in the designated forum. However, with the help of an experienced attorney, it is possible to enforce these agreements and ensure that disputes are resolved in the appropriate forum.

Gary B. Born is a leading authority on international arbitration and forum selection agreements. He has extensive experience in drafting and enforcing these agreements and has represented clients in a wide range of industries, including construction, energy, and finance.

Born is the author of a number of influential books on international arbitration, including “International Commercial Arbitration” and “International Arbitration: Cases and Materials.” He has also written extensively on the subject of forum selection agreements, including a chapter on the topic in his book “International Civil Litigation in United States Courts.”

Born`s expertise in international arbitration and forum selection agreements has been recognized by numerous organizations, including Chambers & Partners, which has ranked him as a Band 1 practitioner in the field of international arbitration.


Forum selection agreements are an important tool for international businesses looking to avoid costly and time-consuming litigation in multiple jurisdictions. With the help of an experienced attorney like Gary B. Born, it is possible to draft and enforce these agreements to ensure that disputes are resolved in the appropriate forum. As businesses become increasingly global, the importance of forum selection agreements will only continue to grow, making the expertise of legal professionals like Born invaluable.